Monday, January 25, 2010

Hand - Eye Coordination

Ella is getting good at using her hands. She is learning how to bring them together in front of her and to grasp objects.
She is holding a ball for the first time in this picture... pretty neat!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

When it comes to pregnancy hindsight is not 20/20

After going a week and a half after my due date, 40 hours of labor, 3 hours of pushing, a c- section surgery and a 3 day hospital stay I honestly thought Ella was going to be an only child. I really had no idea how I would bring myself to do all of that again (minus the 40 hour labor - next time they will just schedule a c-section at 39 weeks). Marcus has always wanted at least 2 children and our plan has always been 2 maybe 3. I thought that it would be a long while before I felt up to the challenge again.
But it is true what they say that you forget - forget the pain, forget the fear and in the place of those memories are rose colored ones - about how nice it was to feel the baby kicking inside of you, about how amazing to see your beautiful baby for the first time and even how neat it was to stay in the hospital.
So I think we are back on track for 2... maybe 3 babies :) But not for a while now - we have a beautiful baby girl to enjoy.

I saw these pictures the other day while I was downloading my phone pics to the computer

Seriously...The coolest thing I have ever seen

This makes me cry it is just so joyful and so cool.
Check it out

Monday, January 18, 2010

I swear Ella gets cuter each and everyday (not that I am biased)
Yesterday almost our entire family stopped by the house - Ella was so excited to see and hang out with everyone. She didn't want to go down for naps because she was missing out. She is finally aware of other people and it is a neat change to see.
She is also just starting to be ticklish. I read that babies aren't ticklish before now because just like you can't tickle yourself babies aren't aware there is a difference between them and others until now. Watching the different stages of development in Ella is so cool!
The weekend in pictures:

Ella watching mama make brisket

Running some quick errands

Sitting around - love the shirt :)

Going to Costco

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ella's First Milestone!

Our amazing girl can roll over from her tummy to her back. She has been trying to do this for a month now and we were so excited for her when she finally made it!
Watch her go!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ella's First Christmas!

For the first time in a long time I can honestly say Christmas was great! Ella slept through most of it but everyone loved to see her and she was spoiled like crazy. She met Santa Clause on Christmas Eve and it was adorable!
I have long hated this holiday but I am seeing it differently through this little girl's eyes. It is exciting to think about teaching her about Santa, all the Christmas eve anticipation waiting for the morning and making cookies to leave for the reindeer. I started out the season not even wanting to put up a tree and now I am sad to take it down.
I think I am turning over a new Christmas leaf :)
Here are some Christmas pictures of my sweet girl....